And speaking of jolly-fat men, belated-birthday shout-out to Daddy, too! In honor of your birthday, I went old school for you. I'm chubbier in this pic!
So much to cover, so little time left that I can legitimately stay in my sweats today...
So, right after the annual candy-gorging festivus, both kids took turns with a nasty winter cold. But, not before we finally met our new niece/cousin, Abigail Joy, born Oct. 18th. Baby Joy is so precious and I am sure she will bring her parents and big sisters much joy!
I'm so grateful that the kids and Paul didn't manage to pass any germs before they became symptomatic. And yes, you read that right. Paul fell claim to it as well for a short time, leaving me the last woman standing - per usual. After his and the kids bout with swine flu last October, I'm beginning to fear a new family tradition has taken shape. Fortunately, we were all better in time to visit Arkansas for Thanksgiving.
There was lots of yummy food to be had by all. And as usual, I felt more comfortable chatting with the aunts, uncles, and grandparents, while Paul and the kids ran around playing with their respective cousins/second cousins. I didn't really have a chance to take many pictures because my cell phone camera has officially returned to the hellfires from whence it came. But, I did manage to snap this lovely gem with Paul's phone during breakfast in front of Grandma & Grandpa Pote's place. Ovaltine and Nutterbutters - breakfast of champions.
And here she is doing her dancing woodland faery impression. Unfortunately, whilst watching this display I missed seeing my cousins on TV during the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade! Uncle Chris' family was invited to be guests of Step Up for Soldiers at the Macy's Parade. They stayed in a hotel in Midtown Manhatten and were interviewed while watching the parade from a VIP (indoor!) viewing area.
Uncle Chris, Aunt Christinne, Katie, Moosie, and Austin (clockwise) |

Upon our return, I headed over to Grandma Mary's so that I could get some old pictures that I needed to complete a Christmas gift that I am making. First thing to grab my eye was this pic of my mom from when she was about 13. I guess Katie and Moosie know where their red hair came from now.
Then, I found these pictures of my grandma and my great grandma when they were young.
Great-Grandma Flora |
Grandma Mary | | | |

Finally, people, I have been accused of using the classic tongue-sticking out pose as a picture taking crutch. Because, as we all know, there are few things I dislike more than having a camera shoved in my face. I prefer being the photographer - not the subject. But, I can now, definitively say, "Blame it on Grandma!"