Today is World Autism Awareness Day. For those of you who do not know, I have a brilliant, beautiful, amazing 6 year old son named Michael Santino. He is super sweet. He makes me smile larger and laugh harder than anyone or anything in this world. Also, he has ASD. What does that mean? He's "on the spectrum." ??? I Have A High Functioning Autistic Child. And honest to God, I wouldn't change a hair on his head. But, when out and about, I know there are quirks about him that make others uneasy. They don't really understand. And the worst thing is that I think he's beginning to realize he is different too. And people, different is NOT bad. Different is not defective. The other day, Michael had another of his panic attacks and he was worried about what would happen if mama and daddy died. "I'm not a man yet. I don't know how to cook. And I don't know how to drive." And I tried to reassure him that Mama and Daddy would not die anytime soon and before then, we would teach him how to drive and how to cook. He would be a man before he needed to worry about any of that. But, he had another concern that was harder to address. "But, mama, I'll be so lonely." For me, Autism Awareness is about making sure that my son isn't lonely - that there is a world of people out there that can understand and accept his differences, and maybe even love him for them. Thanks for reading.